What is the Difference Between Vegan and Vegetarian Diets?


are two very popular diets. These two diets have gained a huge popularity among people who love animals. The diets offer a lot of great health benefits. People choose to follow the diets for two different reasons.

Following makes it possible for people to reduce the risks of diseases, lose weight and improve overall health.

The diets have common things as well as differences. The main idea of is that people, who follow these diets, don’t eat meat. On the other hand, veganism and vegetarianism are two different things. It’s worth noting that a vegan diet is a more restrictive diet comparing to a vegetarian diet.

In this blog, we’ll compare a vegan to a vegetarian. We’ll talk you through a vegetarian diet and a vegan diet and explain what foods these diets include and exclude. We’ll also tell you how both diets affect people’s health. Finally, you’ll be able to make conclusions about the diets.

So, let’s get started.

What is a Vegetarian Diet?

Vegetarianism is known as a diet that doesn’t allow people to eat meat. However, the diet doesn’t forbid eating some animal products. Now, let’s take a closer look at the foods that vegetarians can and can’t eat.

Foods that vegetarians don’t eat:

If you are on a vegetarian diet, then you can’t eat any kind of meat. Such foods as beef and pork are forbidden by the diet. The diet doesn’t allow you to eat poultry. That means that chicken, duck and turkey should be avoided. Vegetarians are not allowed to consume such products as fish and shellfish. All types of animal proteins should be excluded from the diet as well. On top of that a vegetarian’s diet has to exclude animal fats.

Foods that vegetarians can eat:

It’s important to know that a vegetarian diet doesn’t restrict some animal products. If you follow the diet, then you can consume such foods as eggs and honey.

Dairy products shouldn’t be excluded from a vegetarian diet. So, vegetarians are allowed to eat such products as cheese, milk and yogurt.

Vegetarians should focus on foods, which are rich in nutrients and minerals. Fruits and vegetables need to be a key part of a vegetarian’s diet.

Also, vegetarians can consume nuts and seeds.

Grains can be included in vegetarian’s diet as well.

It’s also important to note that vegetarians can eat meat substitutes such as soy products.

Foods to eat and foods to avoid for each type of a vegetarian:

You should know that there are different types of vegetarians. There are lacto-ovo-vegetarians, lacto-vegetarians, ovo-vegetarians and pescatarians. It’s important to note that the individual’s diet depends a lot on a variation of the vegetarian diet that he/she follows.

– Let’s say that you are a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. In this case, meats should be excluded from a diet. You are not allowed to eat fish as well. Nevertheless, you can consume eggs and dairy products.

– If you are a lacto vegetarian, then you can’t consume all types of meats. Eggs, fish and poultry should be avoided as well. However, it’s not forbidden to eat dairy products such as butter, cheese, milk and yogurt.

– Animal products should be avoided from a diet of an ovo vegetarian. However, you can eat eggs if you are an ovo vegetarian.

– Pescatarians are also known as semi-vegetarians. The diet of pescatarians excludes meats and poultry. However, you are allowed to eat fish as well as seafood.

What is a Vegan Diet?

Like a vegetarian diet, a vegan diet also doesn’t allow people to eat meat.  All foods, which are excluded from a vegetarian diet, have to be excluded from a vegan diet as well. It’s also important to note that a vegan diet is much stricter comparing to a vegetarian diet. Now, let’s dig deeper into a vegan diet and try to find out what foods a vegan can or can’t eat.

Foods that vegans don’t eat:

As we’ve already said, the diet of vegans is much stricter comparing to the diet of vegetarians. Vegans are not allowed to eat all foods, which are excluded from a diet of a vegetarian. That means that vegans can’t consume meats, fish, shellfish, poultry, animal fats, animal proteins, eggs, dairy products, etc.

It’s worth noting that veganism is much more than vegetarianism. The main goal of veganism is to stop killing animals. That’s the reason why, vegans are not allowed to use such products as beeswax, silk, wool, cosmetics, leather goods, latex products as well as candles and soaps which are made from animal fats.

Foods that vegans can eat:

Actually, vegans can eat all foods that vegetarians consume. So, vegan’s diet includes foods which are rich in antioxidants and healthy nutrients. The reality is, eating these types of foods allows vegans to meet their nutritional requirements. Vegans consume a lot of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds as well as fortified foods.

Vegetarian Diet Vs Vegan Diet

As you can see, vegetarian diet and vegan diet have many things in common. Vegetarians and vegans don’t eat meats, poultry and fish. Both vegetarians and vegans are against killing animals and consuming animal products. Vegetarian and vegan diets have the same health benefits.

However, the difference is that unlike a vegan diet, a vegetarian diet offers more freedom and flexibility. There are several variations of the vegetarian diet. Each variation of the diet has its own rules. Explore all your options carefully and make the best possible choice. Pick a variation of a vegetarian diet that’s more to your liking.

Your choice largely depends on such factors as your goals and preferences. If you follow a diet and want to lose weight, then a vegan diet would be a better option. Let’s say that you are on a vegan diet. In this case, you can’t eat eggs, honey as well as dairy products. That means that you will consume fewer calories. And of course, this will have a huge positive impact on the process and make it possible for you to achieve more effective results.

Best of luck!
