Maintaining Bone Density as You Age


If I could tell my older readers (or younger readers who plan on becoming older readers) one thing to focus on for long-term health, longevity, and wellness, it would be to maintain your bone density. Not eat this food or do that exercise. Not get more sleep. Those are all important, and many of them fall under the rubric of and contribute to better bone density, but “maintain bone density” gets to the heart of aging. Even the importance of muscle strength shown in longevity studies of older people could actually indicate the importance of bone density, since bone density gains accompany muscle strength gains. You can’t gain muscle without gaining bone. That’s because bones aren’t passive structures. They are organs that respond to stimulus and produce hormones and help regulate our metabolism. Osteocalcin, a hormone produced by bone-building osteoblasts, communicates directly with fat cells to release a hormone that improves insulin sensitivity. The osteocalcin produced by bones plays a key role in testosterone production and male fertility, helps regulate mood and memory, and even interacts with the brains of developing fetuses. It may also help improve endurance, with studies in mice showing that older mice were able to run almost twice as far after being injected with osteocalcin. Bones provide structural, hormonal, cognitive, and metabolic support. Having strong bones won’t just make you less likely to break something if you fall. They’ll actually give you more energy, brain power, and a healthier metabolism. If you do nothing, bone density wanes with age. That’s part of entropy. The longer time goes on, the more the human body is pulled toward dissolution, toward chaos. Doing nothing is not an option. You must actively resist the force of entropy on your bones because bones undergird your entire physical existence. Underneath the skin, the muscles, all the surface stuff lie the bones. They’re your literal support system. How should you support your support system as you age? How Can You Maintain Bone Density as You Age? Here are the most important factors for as you get older. Mechanical loading—lifting heavy things Eating animal protein (plus collagen) Bioavailable calcium from fermented dairy Sun exposure and vitamin D Bone-specific nutrients Mineral water Sleep Eating more colorful produce Let’s explore each of them in greater detail. Lift Heavy Things and Endure High Impact Activity Just like your muscles respond to mechanical loading (lifting weights) by getting stronger, bones also fortify themselves in response to intense loading. “Heavy” and “intense” are relative. What’s heavy to a 60 year old grandma won’t be the same to a 30 year old athlete. All a weight has to be is “heavy for you” to start improving bone density. Don’t think you need to deadlift twice bodyweight to get a good effect (unless, of course, 1.9x bodyweight deadlifts are easy to you). You can even do it without any weights at all. Several studies have shown that merely hopping in place 20-40 times a day can improve hip density in … Continue reading “Maintaining Bone Density as You Age”

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