Here’s the Perfect Morning Pre-Workout Meal You Need for Breakfast


Morning workouts present a common conundrum: should you eat a pre-workout meal? If you aren’t a breakfast person and prefer a fasted workout, then maybe you can just chug some water, skip the food, and go right into your warm-up. But if you find yourself crashing mid-workout on an empty stomach, it’s probably best to fuel up before hitting the gym — and Los Angeles-based celebrity trainer Ash Scarrott, owner of Body by Ash and ambassador for The After Bar, has the ideal breakfast for you. Don’t worry, it won’t weigh you down. We’re not talking applewood bacon and eggs here (though that does sound damn good). What we love about Scarrott’s meal is that it’s simple and potent, lean and mean. Oats, fruit, protein, caffeine, creatine. Done. Go train! Ash Scarrott’s Go-To Pre-Workout Breakfast In the hour or so leading up to your workout, here’s your meal: ¾ cup…
