6 Meals a Day vs. Intermittent Fasting


A journey is always challenging. When losing weight, people have to accomplish the certain goals. First and foremost, it’s necessary to restrict calories and avoid overeating. Also, people, who are on a diet, have to improve their metabolism. Boosting metabolism helps burn more calories and, therefore, lose more weight.

Actually, there are two diets that make it possible for people to consume fewer calories and boost their metabolism. In this case, either 6 meals a day or intermittent fasting is worth considering. In fact, every diet has its pros and cons.

What are the benefits of each diet? What option is better? In this blog, we’ll dig deeper into each diet, explore these two options carefully and do the comparison. All of this will help you get the answers to important questions and make conclusions.

So, let’s get started.

Top Benefits of 6 Meals a Day

There has been a lot of talk about 6 meals a day diet. Obviously, this method has gained a huge popularity today. You should know that following 6 meals a day delivers multiple significant benefits to people, who are trying to lose weight.

It’s important to know that this diet is easy to follow. The reality is, following 6 meals a day diet means a significant decrease in calories. When on this diet, you’ll eat 6 times a day. So, you will not feel hungry during a day when on a diet. However, the portions are small. As a result, you will not consume high amounts of food. But most importantly, following 6 meals a day diet will boost your metabolism. All of this will have a profound positive impact on the process. The 6 meals a day approach allows people to avoid overeating.

On the other hand, 6 meals a day diet has its own drawbacks. Keep in mind that it may take too much time to prepare meals for a diet. Also, you need to take a break 6 times a week to eat 6 meals during a day. Due to the inconvenience, a lot of people find it difficult to follow the diet.

Top Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is more restrictive comparing to the 6 meals a day diet. There are different types of intermittent fasting diets. It’s important to note that the so-called 5:2 is incredibly popular these days.

What does the 5:2 diet actually mean? It’s a kind of a diet when a person has to eat normally within 5 days. However, the calorie intake will be limited within the next 2 days. During these 2 days of intermittent fasting, a person has to eat no more than 500 – 600 calories per day. As a result, a body begins to burn fat for fuel and this will help you get rid of excess kilograms.

The biggest advantage of intermittent fasting is that it allows a person to decrease his/her calorie intake significantly. On average, a person decreases his/her calorie intake by 20 – 25% during the so called 2 “restrictive” days. And of course, this has a huge positive impact on weight loss results.

One of great benefits of intermittent fasting is that it’s less restrictive comparing to other weight loss diets. It’s no surprise that people find it difficult to stick to traditional weight loss diets because they have to cut calories on every meal and watch what they eat. That’s why following a traditional diet can be hard.

However, things will go easily if you choose to follow intermittent fasting instead of a traditional diet. Intermittent fasting works well with a keto diet and some other weight loss diets. Intermittent fasting results in fat loss. The fact is that intermittent fasting makes the diet effective and allows people to get more successful results.

It’s also important to know that traditional weight loss diets are not suitable for everyone. You need to know that traditional diets are not recommended to people with health problems such as blood sugar, hormone imbalances, etc. The reality is, skipping meals may result in insulin spikes as well.

Intermittent fasting has become a good alternative to the traditional weight loss methods. Bear in mind that intermittent fasting may help you improve your health.

It goes without saying that intermittent fasting is an effective weight loss method that works and provides excellent results. On the other hand, a person can gain weight quickly within the so called 5 “normal” days. That’s why, it’s so important to avoid overeating during these 5 days.

6 Meals a Day or Intermittent Fasting?

We’ve just talked you through the most significant benefits of 6 meals a day and intermittent fasting. So, you know about the pros and cons of each weight loss option very well. All of this will help you make a smart decision.

When selecting between 6 meals a day and intermittent fasting, you have to analyze both weight loss methods carefully first. After that, you have to pick a weight loss option that meets your lifestyle as well as preferences in the best possible way. Also, it’s necessary to select a weight loss diet with your health conditions in mind.

As you can see, both methods have certain benefits over traditional weight loss diets. No matter whether you decide to follow 6 meals a day diet or intermittent fasting, you have to be very careful about your foods. Watch what you eat regularly.

You have to be very selective when it comes to picking foods for a weight loss diet. Make sure that your diet contains healthy foods. It’s recommended to get enough protein during weight loss process. Also, it makes sense to add fruits as well as vegetables to a diet. The reality is, fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and healthy nutrients. This will contribute greatly to your health.

And of course, you should always consult with a doctor about weight loss methods. The specialists will examine your health carefully and advise you upon the most effective weight loss solution. Follow doctor’s recommendations to achieve the best possible weight loss results and lose weight in a safe way.

Good luck!

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